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It’s time to be honest

Today’s blog comes to you straight from my bed...not because I’m bedridden with some infectious disease, but because I’m in the middle of an massive anxiety attack (don’t worry, this isn’t a sob story), and I thought it’s time to be honest. This morning I woke with a feeling of dread and panic, not for any particular reason, but just about the general concept of having to face the day. This is not something new to me, or to many others who suffer from the shit-storm that is anxiety. ...

August 20, 2018

Why we all hate Health and Safety meetings

Another bloody meeting?! When are we supposed to fit those in? We don’t have time for that! No one wants them. No one says anything. It’s a waste of time, we’ve got nothing to talk about! We hear this E.V.E.R.Y.D.A.Y. So, this month’s toolbox talk is on…Toolbox Talks. No, safety meetings shouldn’t drive you to drink early in the day, nor should you find staff coming down with mysterious illnesses on the day you have booked one. Safety meetings should be your chance to get your w...

August 10, 2018

Health and Safety in 5 easy steps!

Safety can be simple and affordable, your Health and Safety Management System doesn’t need to be time consuming and complicated. The most important thing is that it works for you and that it assists in keeping you, your customers and everyone you work with and around safe. So where do you start? We suggest reviewing your current system by starting to look at what we call the ‘High Five’ – five areas you can start working on now, to make sure you are on the right track. 1. Policies and P...

July 17, 2018

Toolbox Topic: A quick guide to PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

Employers need to provide any PPE required as a minimisation control measure for a Hazard/Risk (unless another PCBU has already provided). If a Worker genuinely and voluntarily chooses to provide their own for comfort or convenience that would be acceptable as long as you are satisfied the PPE is of the standard set below. Where this is the case, the Worker may give you reasonable notice if they choose to be provided with the PPE instead. PPE must be suitable for the nature of the work and hazar...

July 10, 2018

Toolbox Topic: Who’s responsible for Health & Safety?

Everyone plays a part in keeping the workplace safe. If you come across something that doesn’t look right its up to YOU to do something about it. So let’s break things down… who’s responsible for what? Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) We as the PCBU have the primary duty of care and are responsible for the Health and Safety of anyone working for us (including Officers, Contractors, Volunteer Workers and Workers) as well as those within the vicinity of the work we a...

May 7, 2018

Toolbox Topic: Controlling Hazards

This article was posted and I thought there were some really strong messages here to be shared with you and your teams. I suggest reading it and thinking about how it could apply to your work…perhaps it could make for a good toolbox topic too. ...

March 5, 2018

Excavation Safety and Notifiable Works

It’s come to our attention lately that not many people are aware of the Excavation Safety Good Practice Guidelines that were put out by WorkSafe (replaces the Code of Practice) or the rules around Notifiable Works. So here is some info…please read as you may think it doesn’t apply to you, but you might be surprised! Excavation Safety Good Practice Guidelines – for working an excavator, contracting excavator work or working around or in excavations… We suggest that you have a ...

February 5, 2018

How to Give a Toolbox Talk

Toolbox talks (also known as tailgate safety meetings or safety briefs) are an increasingly popular and effective way to quickly review and reinforce safety procedures and responsibilities. Here are some tips on how to give effective toolbox talks: Choose timely topics around reoccurring safety problems you encounter regularly or upcoming changes that workers need to be aware ofGive talks at regular intervals (daily, weekly, monthly) to establish and reinforce the importance of safety in your co...

January 8, 2018 Posts 26-33 of 33 | Page prev

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